2024 Annual Conference

Round Rock, Texas

February 7-9, 2024

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Texas Pioneer Foundation - Title Sponsor

Dini Spheris - Lead Sponsor (Thursday)

Merrill - Lead Sponsor (Pre-Conference)

Dickerson Bakker - Lunch Sponsor

PFM - Asset Management - Reception Sponsor

CCS Fundraising - Lead Sponsor (Friday)

Greater Texas Foundation - Speaker Sponsor

DLR - Break Sponsor

Conference Documents

Conference Schedule

Conference Packet

Conference Attendees

Annual Meeting Agenda Packet

CFRE Tracker


Pre-Conference Topics: Bank of America Study of Philanthropy: Decoding the Motivations and Strategies of High-Capacity Philanthropists and Deep Dive: Unlocking the Power of Board Leadership and Transformational Gifts Pre-Conference Keynote Speaker:  Dianne Chipps Bailey, Managing Director, and National Philanthropic Strategy Executive for Philanthropic Solutions at Bank of America 

Session Title: Wow Your Donors with Stewardship They Won't Soon Forget Session Presenter: Holly Lang, Principal, and Victor Brooks, Consultant, Dini Spheris

Session Title: Starting from Scratch: Building an Alumni Program on a Shoestring  Session Presenter:  Brent Baker, Vice President of Institutional Advancement, Weatherford College

Session Title: Community + Generosity = Unlocking Both to Transform Your Institutions Presenter: Mitchell Spearman, Founder & Dreamer, Gifts of a Lifetime, LLC 

Session Title: Scholarship Awarding and Outreach Strategies Presenter: Lori Tatsch, Scholarship System Coordinator, Dallas College 

Session Title:  Taming a WILD Foundation Board (And Channeling Their Energy for Good!) Session Presenter:  Victor Brooks, Consultant, and Holly Lang, Principal, Dini Spheris       

Session Title: Mining for Those Data Diamonds! Session Presenter:  Caitlin Miller, Program Manager, Strategic Research & Analytics, Lone Star College Foundation

Session Title: Meeting the Moment: Approaches to Engage the New Community College Donor  Session Presenter: Presenter: Maeve Riley, Senior Vice President, CCS Fundraising & Josh Skolnick, Executive Director, Dallas College Foundation

 Closing Keynote Topic: House Bill 8 (HB8) and the Future of Texas Community Colleges Closing Keynote Speakers: Dr. Harrison Keller, Commissioner of Higher Education, CEO of Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB); Dr. Ray Martinez III, J.D., President and CEO, Texas Association of Community Colleges